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Governors play an important role in schools, helping to set the strategic vision and to ensure that the best possible use of resources is made. (You can check how our funding and spending compares to other schools on the Schools Financial Benchmarking Site). If you are interested in becoming a governor or would like to learn more about what is involved, please contact Lis Grandey, Chair of Governors ( email: ) or Kevin O'Donnell, Headteacher (tel: 01769 572656). 

As a Church of England Voluntary Aided School, we were founded by Trust Deed and our Governing Body consists of :- 

  • 8 Foundation Governors – one of which is an ex- officio appointment – the Principal Officiating Minister ie the Rector of the Parish Church. The other 7 are appointed by the South Molton Parochial Church Council and the Diocese, and should include where possible three who, at the time of their appointment, be eligible for election as a Parent Governor. 

  • 2 Parent Governors 

  • 1 LA Governor 

  • 1 Staff Governor 

  • 1 Head Teacher 

  • 1 Co-Opted Governor 

Our Instrument of Government was made on the 21st September 2017 by order of the Devon Local Education Authority. It includes an ethos statement which says: “This is a Church of England School in the Diocese of Exeter. Recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles and practice of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church in the parish and the diocese. The school aims to serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice. It encourages an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experiences it offers to all its pupils.” 

This Christian foundation is reflected in the ‘Koinonia’ values of shared belonging which the school embraces, within an inclusive community which welcomes pupils from all faith backgrounds.   

The governors aim to play an active part in the life of the school. Accepting office as a governor involves commitment of time and energy, attending meetings and training sessions and supporting the school as it seeks to provide the best educational experience and learning environment it can, for the benefit of all the pupils. We recognise that it is a privilege to serve the school, its children and their parents or carers in this way. 


Emily Burns Parent Governor
Maureen Burton Foundation Governor
Chantelle Crispin Parent Governor
Lis Grandey Foundation Governor; Chair of Governors
Michael Grandey Ex-Officio Foundation Governor
Angela Hulme Foundation Governor; Co Vice-Chair
Kevin O’Donnell Headteacher; Ex-Officio Governor*
Malcolm Palin Foundation Governor
Katie Partridge Staff Governor
*Kate Harvey Co Headteacher, shares the Ex-Officio role
Gill Haynes Associate Member
Andrew Woollacott Associate Member