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Local Governing Body

The school joined Ventrus Multi Academy Trust in September 2024. Information about the Trust’s overall scheme of Governance, which includes its Members and Board of Trustees, can be found on the Ventrus website using the links below.

Although the Board of Trustees has overall responsibility, some aspects of governance are delegated to the Local Governing Bodies of individual schools. These help to represent the local context, and provide challenge and support to the Headteacher in order to enable the best provision possible to be provided. The Local Governing Body is also able to influence and communicate with the directors on big decisions that the Trust needs to make going forward.

Links to the Local Governing Body Terms of Reference and Code of Conduct can be found using the Ventrus Governance link given above.

As a former Church of England Voluntary Aided (VA) school, our Local Governing Body includes the Headteacher, parent governors, a staff governor, and foundation governors with links to the local church.

Details of our Local Governing Body (LGB) can be found  by clicking here

The Chair of our LGB is currently Lis Grandey, who can be contacted by email:  or via the school office.

The historical information cn be reviewed below together with the meeting attendance prior to moving to Ventrus Trust.