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Your child's journey enters KS2 this year! Wow, where has the time gone?

This year, your child will explore rainforests in South America, learn how to create a circuit and even become a Roman gladiator!

Learning for Summer

- Writing: Using ambitious vocabulary and building interesting sentences using adverbials

- Reading: Reading 'The Nothing to See Here Hotel'

- Maths: Fractions, Money, Time, Shape and Statistics

- Science: Animals and Plants

- RE: What kind of Jesus want? How and why do people try to make the world a better place?

- History: How did the arrival of the Romans change Britain?

- Music: Creating an end of year performance. 

- DT: 3D Products (Creating a fairground ride)

-PE: Net/Wall Games (Tennis), OAA and Athletics

-French: Fruits and 'I can...'

-PSHE: Being my Best and Growing and Changing

-Drawing and Printing


Please look below to find out about your child's homework

- 10 minutes of reading aloud per day followed by an Accelerated Reader Quiz

- Weekly spellings (test every Friday)

- Daily Timestable Rockstars 


We hope your child has a wonderful final term in Year 3! 

Miss Dekker 

See our Year 3 Curriculum Overview here

November 2022

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November 2022